“President’s Speech
“Assalamu’alaikum wr wb and Greetings to all
I am deeply honoured to be here as we mark this momentous event in 4PM’s history for leadership renewal. The last leadership transition happened 31 years ago. We are here today because of your dedicated support and efforts towards maximising human potential for the community.
I am grateful to Mr Izzuddin Taherally who has guided me through various milestones and achievements throughout the years. Mr Izzuddin Taherally has dedicated his life for 4PM since 1971. He was the President of 4PM since 1990. Under his stewardship, 4PM has continuously delivered impactful programmes through the years and become a household name. He has also mentored many youth leaders, including many in the new management.
As we navigate through new challenges posed by Covid-19 and the ever changing social, political and economic landscape in Singapore, 4PM must remain nimble and adaptable as we have always done in the past.
Let me share 3 key Visions with you:
Firstly: “Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat suara kerana muafakat”. UNITY – We at 4PM must always stay united to serve the community. We must remain connected to the world outside of 4PM. We need to develop and equip our Youths – not just Malay youths, with the right values and principles. We must be quick to adapt to changing external factors to remain relevant.
Secondly, “Yang dimakan rasa, yang dilihat rupa, yang didengar bunyi”. It means – All actions or work must be done perfectly, in terms of outlook (rupa), what you hear (dengar) and what it feels (rasa). We must continue to do the right thing, and also do it right.
Thirdly: “Ingat sebelum kena, jimat sebelum habis” This Malay proverb is self-explanatory. We will endeavour to ensure the financial health of 4PM and continue to grow our reserve. Unfortunately, fund raising efforts have been restrained by Covid-19 Pandemic. We were unable to organize 4PM Flag day or Friday mosque collections. The team will have to seek other creative means to build up our reserves.
4PM will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2023. It is a huge milestone for any organization. We are here because of the strong foundations laid and values passed by our visionary forefathers. I hope 4PM torch will continue to burn and values be passed down to the next generation of leaders. Let us continue to “Bersatu dan Berkhidmat” (Unite and Serve).
Nassar Mohamad Zain
24 July 2021