Family Development
4PM assists underprivileged families with school-going children and the elderly from low-income households.
Key components of the Family Development Framework:
Assistance Disbursement in Ramadan (Ramadan On Wheels)
Family Bonding Activities
Education Support Programmes
Inter-agency Referrals
Parenting Workshops
Skills Upgrading
Mental Well-being Initiatives
Assistance application period for ROW 2024 is officially closed.
For any queries, please call 6242 6288 or Whatsapp message our officer at 8300 3852.
About Ramadan On Wheels (ROW)
Ramadan on Wheels (ROW) is a volunteer-driven initiative with the spirit of gotong-royong to support low-income families and underprivileged elderly. ROW, held annually since 2001, focuses on delivery of food rations to the beneficiaries during the month of Ramadan. Additionally, ROW is part of 4PM’s family development and youth empowerment initiatives.
Eligibility Criteria
1) Applicant must be a holder of Singapore pink or blue NRIC.
2) Only 1 applicant per household will be allowed to apply. Individuals who are in prison, shelters and welfare homes are not eligible.
3) Monthly household income not exceeding $1,500 or per capita income of $650 or less.
Needy Elderly
Low Income Families
4PM’s Ramadan on Wheels (ROW) and family development initiatives consist of:

How can you make a difference as a volunteer or donor?
A) Everyone Counts! Create change and grow your talent through Volunteering! |
B) Collaborate and Empower! Create greater impact through Donating or Collaborating with us! |